Anniversaries are curious things, aren't they? Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries are the obvious ones we highlight, yet now we are continually reminded by social media that on this day 5 years ago you were angry about a sporting event, or on this day last year you had a pasta salad at an upmarket bar in the city (Guess which one of those was mine). But what is the fascination with anniversaries? What do they actually mean?
It is a source of constant amusement from Jess and her family that I can remember dates, phone numbers, addresses, postcodes and things like that from as long ago as I can remember. I can remember people's birthdays that I went to Primary School with, whether I like that person or not! I can remember phone numbers from places I lived 20 years ago, for friends I haven't seen in over a decade, and I have no idea why. April is a month heavy with all sorts of birthdays and anniversaries, with my Mum's birthday, my Nanna's birthday, my wedding anniversary, my own birthday, my cousin's birthday, several good mates birthdays, and especially poignant this year: Our 1st Wedding Anniversary and my 30th Birthday.
Little me |
The thing about being on this planet is that it is constantly changing. At no two points in all of time will the planet be in exactly the same state, and as such 21st April 1972, for instance, will bear no resemblance to today; 21st April 2016. Similarly, my birthday next Wednesday will bear no resemblance to the corresponding date 30 years ago when I came kicking and screaming into this world on a ward in an RAF Hospital in Germany. But we celebrate the fact that I have been in existence while riding on a planet as it does 30 laps of the nearest star. I'm not saying we shouldn't, I just find it curious. The day I was born saw the world in a state of mild panic, a few hours prior to my birth the Chernobyl disaster played out. Hopefully nothing so devastating happens this year. No, I am not Satan's child...
I've spoken in length in previous blogs and Facebook posts about how good our Wedding day really was, and how thankful we are to everyone who came and everyone who made it such a special day for us. I could say things like "I can't believe it's been a year already!" and "We got through a year of marriage!" but the fact is I CAN believe it, and why wouldn't we have got through a year? Time moves on, we've reached a year which is great but... there are many many more laps of the Sun that I would like to partake in with Jess as my wife! Is it an achievement to make it a year? Is it an achievement to do a small fraction of what we promised to do on that day in 2015? I suppose in some ways it absolutely is, even so I would expect to make it many more yet. My parents have been married 33½ years, my grandparents nearly 64 years. That rather puts our 1 year into perspective...! They had to start somewhere though, and I'm sure their first anniversary was an occasion.
Jess at Wolfies |
While not our actual Anniversary we went into Circular Quay on the Saturday. I'll be honest, I was not in good shape at all having come off the back of 4 days off with a Virus and a torn disc in my lower back. I had an appointment with my new Chiro before catching a train with Jess across the Harbour Bridge into the city, and we had a beautiful lunch at Wolfies. You can't ask for more than a beautiful lunch next to the Harbour Bridge with a view across to the Opera House with a beautiful wife opposite you. But this virus knocked me about, so much so I could only just get through half a pizza. Those that know me know that is unlike me!
2015 |
We couldn't pass up the opportunity to go back to the Sydney Harbour Marriott, where we had our reception and recreate a moment from last year, sitting together on the bench at the bottom of the staircase. We were treated to a drink on the house by the very kind barman, and we reminisced about different things about the day. THAT'S what anniversaries are all about, that's what they mean. The memories they provide. Good ones, bad ones, funny ones... They're all there and that's what makes them so special. Why wouldn't we celebrate that?
2016 |
The actual anniversary fell on Monday, which meant I was at work. Quite honestly, I wasn't really much better on Monday than I was on Saturday or Sunday. I barely made it two hours at the Reptile Park before I gave up and came home, and no-one needs to be told how much I love being there so to drag myself away from that...? More powerful statement than the Doctor's note I reckon! Next Wednesday I will also be at work for the day. 1986 in Germany, 2016 in Erskine Park! Might wait until Friday to celebrate that one!
Today is my Nanna's birthday. I've just spoken to her on FaceTime, and modern technology allows us to share an occasion such as this visually which is fantastic. I suppose THAT'S what anniversaries are all about, that's what they mean. Being able to share moments with loved ones, being able to bring people together to celebrate something. All of the moments and the memories they provide, good ones, bad ones, funny ones... They're all there and that's what makes them so special. Roll on the next one.